Monday, July 30, 2012

DT Call for CCC!

Hello! It's that time again and we are looking for a few new members for our Crafty Creations Challenge Team!!

If you are creative, crafty and confident that you want to be part of a great team, then you could be just who we are looking for!
All experience levels are welcome to apply.

A few requirements before applying:
- You must have a blog that you post on at least once a week which would include a post of your challenge project twice per month, if on the DT.
-willing and able to use digital images in your creations, supplied by our sponsors
- able to create and post 2 projects/month
- able to comment on entries (divided up between members)
-willing to be on the team for a minimum 6 month term
- have a positive team attitude and lots of energy to create!

What you will receive if you join us:
- a casual, non stressful design team experience
- sponsored digital images from fabulous designers to create your challenge projects!
- support and crafting inspiration from fellow members
- opportunity to make new crafting community friends!

If you are interested, please send Deena an e-mail by August 8, including:
1. Name
2. Link to your blog
3. Your previous DT experience, if any.
4. Please tell us a little about yourself and mention if you have played our challenges previously. (not a requirement, but always nice! :)) 

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