Friday, October 29, 2010

Sorry it has been a crazy week here!!! I will get my project loaded today yet, I just have to locate it. (I did it in the Dr. office this week, so now where did I set it?) The wonderful Claire stepped up to help with the challenge this week as Jenn just had a baby and is quite busy I am sure. Still waiting on Shelly and Jeremy's baby to come out. (Must not want to show his/her face in this cold weather! Can't say I blame it, but Shelly has got to be misserable by now!)
"Hi it's Claire here this week stepping in with the challenge
of Halloween or Autumn
We would love to see any creations along these themes
of any type of crafty creation!

This week the Dt have been having fun
with this very open theme......

This weeks prize is
A selection of My Minds eye
gems and Felt ribbon

Make sure to link up your project using Mr. Linky below.
Also, please remember to have a direct link to the card or project you are entering so that our design team can leave some lovely comments on your lovely Halloween or Autumnal creations!
Have fun! Also, for those of you that use SCS - please use the code CCCW91"

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