Haha sorry didn't mean to scare ya there! Well it has been a busy few weeks, so sorry for my absence. Kudos to the CCC Design Team for all of their hard work and up keep of the Challenge Blog, each one means the world to me! and you all have so much other stuff going on as well, I don't know how you all manage it! So any way here is my update...
This week on Crafty Creations is to add stiching to your project real or fake. It is sponsored by the wonderful Wimsy Stamps and hosted by the beautiful Bea. (New to CCC and her very first posting-- a wonderful job as well) So here is my project for that. . .

Yes, I made both sets for the boys for Kristina's Wedding. Which is what as consumes so much time as of late. Kris and Brian were married on June 5th, 2010. A beautiful John Deere wedding, and we wish them all the happiness in the world. The boys love them so much and were so excited to be in the wedding.
So here are some Pics of the Candy Table I set up as well as pictures of me and the bride and my family.

We were graced with the presence of my sister from North Carolina for a week and my brother and his wife for the weekend of the wedding. It was so much fun getting together and bonding with my little sis. Miss her already! All I got to say is I still have not caught up on my sleep!

This was taken at ValleyFair of me and her!
We all so learned of a few babies on the way too. My little sister Kayla is expecting her first. So excited for her and Neil! and my sister-in-law is expecting #5. We are so happy for Shelly and Jeremy and family as they add to their family! I am glad neither of them are me thou, yikes I got my hands full with two. How Shelly manages four is amazing and beyond me, always happy to babysit, but just don't think I have it in me for that much work and patience.
Okay I think I am done blabing for now. I will try to be back with more fam pics from my sister's visit and some artwork as well. Hugs, Jaime
Oh well done - I can just about manage a bit of stitching on a card, but could never attempt anything like your adorable waistcoats in a million years!
Beautiful family shot Jaime...the boys are sooo handsome in their waistcoats! bx
You continue to amaze me with your talents! The JD vests are sooo cute! Hosting Kels, Thomas and Pika was so sweet too! I know they had a great time. Great family shot of you and the boys, and your dad so likes the "sis in the bar" old tyme pic and the cute frame you made for it! So sorry we missed Kris's wedding and the family celebration. Love and miss you all! Joy
Wow, great vests Jaime and love the pics of your family! You are one busy gal!! Take care, Deena
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