Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Award. . .

I’ve been given this “honest scrap” award from Deena. According to the rules of receiving this award, I am to tell you 10 things about myself, and pass it on.

These are a few things you may not have known about me…

I hate to clean, unless of course it is to find the treasures at the bottom of my scrap table.

I love to orginize (I know doesn't go well with the first.)

I itch-- all over, as I found a new med allergy this week! GRRRRR

I live for my boys-- yes all three of them from the grumpy old one I married almost 8 years ago to the mischeifious 5 and 4 year olds!

I enjoy fall the best with the crunchy leaves and chilly, but not cold! temps.

I milk cows and feed calves twice a day, everyday.

I suck at keeping most secrets, I am really good at keeping the really big ones.

I need my chocolate fixes! Yes almost daily.

I have lost 45 lbs. since Mid January.

I need more sleep then the average bear or I am a bear. Which is a good reason to take a nap for 2 hours or more, cause the cows want me there early and I love to be a night owl.

I need to pass this on. . .
Did I mention I like to procrastinate. . so I will think on this one! hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime, it was so fun to read these things about you! So, what we have in common...definitely not the milking cows part...but we both need chocolate every day, and we are both night owls, and we both live for our boys!! :) Way to go on losing all that weight too! I'd love to lose 20lbs or so, but I'm so not motivated. Got to get on my elliptical machine!