So I did finially get these finished up. I am late for PTW Challenge, but it also is for Crafty Creations Challenge as well. All images are Charlie from Wiff of Joy. Papers are the new Christmas ones from CTMH. Colors Mainly Cranberry, Garnet, Olive, Garden Green. Glitter, Buttons, Ribbon, Brads from stash.
I got 20 quarts of homemade Speg. sauce canned yesterday to finish up the tomato crop. *CRAP* I am a bit sick of canning tomatoes at present. 85 pints of black bean salsa already done. I know we will enjoy it later but right now the smell of cooking tomatoes will make me sick. HAHa. The boys are enjoying their endless tractor and combine rides. Jake talked daddy's ears off last night and he finially kicked him out of the combine after an hour and half. John said endless questions, he is just a motor mouth. Well Jake is out with Grandpa right now (in the big JD)so I would guess he is sleeping since he was up at 5 this am and no nap yesterday. We all are toying with the nasty colds and ear aches. Well I am off to get back to cleaning the pig sty and rescue Grandpa from Jake. Tootles!
Hi Jaime, your cards are fantastic, one would have done though lol only joking. I love to hear your stories of on the farm, i have always wanted to live on a farm and i think it must be great for the kids growing up but o/h says i wouldn't be able to stick the hardwork, early mornings and the cold, maybe he's right, i should just stick to dreaming. Donna x
they are lovely - just worried you have not confirmed you have had the pif i sent you. if you have not can you email me your address again as i took it off your address label and i will get you a new package out x
great cards jaime! glad you joined in the challenge :)
Hi Jaime! I would love to have been there helping you with your canning! Not that I especially LOVE canning, but I LOVE spaghetti sauce and black bean salsa!! Yummo!! Your days must be filled with such delight with 2 little boys and a farm.
Your cards are adorable and I can't wait to see more!
Anne Marie
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